Oklahoma Wind Riders
Oklahoma District Rally
We have less than four months to go before the start of the Oklahoma Rally which is being held October 26th–28th, 2023. This year’s theme is "Return to the 50's & 60's. The rally is being held at the Ponca City Center in Ponca City, Oklahoma. We are planning a special ceromony to honor veterans at opening Thursday evening.
On Thursday afternoon, we will be putting an ARC-R Course. Friday morning will be a First Aid/CPR class, with a TRC-R class also.
Our planned ride on Thursday will include going to the Pioneer Woman Mercantile in Pawhuska, OK. https://www.themercantile.com/ The ladies will love this store. (Guys, bring your trailer you will need it).
On Friday, we will have a planned ride to the Marland Mansion home https://www.marlandmansion.com/to the famous oil tycoon, E.W. Marland of the 1920's. You won't want to miss this.
Ride to Enid airport to the Wall of Honor, small version of the Vietnam Wall in Washington D,C, along with a new mural just finished.
We will have lots of free food, games, vendors and business walks, and seminars. . Come dressed in your favorite 50's & 60's dress.
SPECIAL FOR OUR RALLY:You know how much it costs to change out your GW air filters. It is expensive. Special for the rally, it will cost only $125.00 and $150.00 for airbag wings to change your air filter. That is cheap. (Must register for the rally).
Come and fellowship with family and friends. All are welcome at the same rate. Fill out the attached rally registration and turn it in ASAP. Use code "Wingd RIders" at the following hotels. At this time Fairfield Inn is the host hotel with the comfort Inn and Suites is the backup.
Call the hotel direct number to get the "WINGD RIDERS" rates. If you have already pre-registered, then you are in the drawing for something nice. Let your friends know so they can join you at the Oklahoma Rally. See the attached rally schedule (things can and will change). Call or email us if you have any questions about the rally.